ARLA/CLUSTER: Condições mais liberais para a concessão de licenças para amadores na Austrália

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Domingo, 13 de Outubro de 2019 - 11:28:46 WEST

VK Licence Conditions changes

Several weeks have gone by since the Licence Conditions Changes and still
we see on social media and hear on the bands hams just realising some of
the changes.

In summary, from the article dated September 29 on :

'The WIA is pleased to see the significant changes to the Foundation
Licence class to modernise its appeal and relevance today.

All in all, a great result for the entry-level licence.

Go get digital!

The relaxation of emission and bandwidth restrictions are also welcomed for
all licence classes.

These changes, albeit limited todate, are the culmination of persistent
work by the WIA with the regulator in various consultations that started in
2014. We also acknowledge the many submissions made by individual amateurs
and also various amateur radio clubs. During that time, the WIA has
initiated multiple member surveys, the last in 2018 and actively sought
feedback from its members.

The last WIA consultation submission to the ACMA was a joint
submission in conjunction with ALARA, ARNSW and ARVIC and had the
direct support of many of the WIA Affiliated clubs.

There is more work to do to maintain the current momentum, especially with
the 5 MHz band access and potentially a high power endorsement approach for
Advanced licences to overcome potential EME and EMI concerns by the ACMA.


All restrictions on emission modes have been removed for all licensees

Restrictions on permitted transmission bandwidths have been removed
for all licensees across all bands allowed for each licence class, with the
exception of the 2200 metre and 630 metre bands, which only Advanced
licensees can use;

Restrictions to the 3.X GHz band, which affect only Advanced licencees.

ALL license classes now have the same spectral power density limits of 1
watt per 100 KHz for wide bandwidth transmissions. The definition of wide
bandwidth is band specific. This covers, for example, ATV / DTV and Spread
Spectrum modes.

Readd more here
Wireless Institute of Australia <>
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