ARLA/CLUSTER: Cuba aprova 99% dos candidatos a radioamadores

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Dezembro de 2019 - 12:48:00 WET

Cuba achieves 99% pass rate in ham radio exams

In December 210 candidates took their amateur radio exam in Cuba and 208 of
them (99%) passed

A favorable indicator in these exams held last December 21 and in the ones
before is that the number of candidates for third category [Entry Level]
and of those approving the exam remains fairly stable, which also shows in
the number of new members, reaching a total of 295 during 2019.

Now, the challenge is to keep them active, which is the objective
undertaken by our organization in order to stop the decreasing trend of
recent years.

*Federación de Radioaficionados de Cuba *(FRC) wants to acknowledge the
work carried out by the Villa Clara and Havana chapters for the results
obtained in the training, and congratulates the 208 radio amateurs across
the country that approved their tests.

Special recognition is awarded by FRC to its board members, which jointly
with authorities from the Ministry of Communications (MINCOM) and with the
cooperation of the teachers from amateur radio academies across the country
made it possible for these tests to be given with the quality required, all
within the framework of respect implied by an event of this nature.

Finally, FRC encourages all radio clubs to intensify their work, aiming to
recruit and train new colleagues, especially on those locations where radio
amateurs are not represented.

*Joel Carrazana Valdés (CO6JC)*
FRC Information System
Graphic design: Oscar Hernández (CM7OHM)

The results for the three exam categories in December 2019 were:
1st Category 38 candidates - all passed
2nd Category 30 candidates - all passed
3rd Category 142 candidates - 140 passed

The results for the June 2019 exams were:
1st Category 32 candidates - 31 passed
2nd Category 44 candidates - 39 passed
3rd Category 164 candidates - 155 passed

There are three license categories in Cuba:
CO 1st Category - All bands with up to 2,000 watts output
CM 2nd Category - HF/VHF/UHF with up to 100 watts output
CL 3rd Category - part of 1.8/3.5/5/7/144 MHz bands with 10 watts output

June 2018 Cuba achieves 96% pass rate in ham radio exams
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