ARLA/CLUSTER: Academia da Força Aérea dos E.U. A. vão ceder o controlo do satélite FalconSat-3 à AMSAT-NA

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Maio de 2017 - 13:12:55 WEST

AMSAT-NA to assume control of FalconSat-3 soon

US Air Force Academy satellite was launched in 2007 on Atlas 5 to 560 km,
35.4 degrees orbit, and now is at 468-481km orbit, which is several years
before decay.

The Satellite operates as an amateur V/u store and forward Pacsat at
9k6 (or faster) and will sustain 1w operation.

The AMSAT command team is preparing to assume control once the final
agreements are completed. *FalconSat-3* is in a low inclination orbit
presenting opportunities for equatorial and tropical stations.

More details soon.

*Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA*
AMSAT-NA Vice-President, Operations

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