ARLA/CLUSTER: Cazaquistão aloca banda de 4m ( 70,0 a 70,5 MHz ) por 5 anos aos radioamadores

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Maio de 2017 - 13:08:45 WEST

4m band allocated in Kazakhstan for 5 years

According to the letter # 16-02-16-1/2372 dated May 15, 2017 the state
committee on communication, informatization and mass media of the Ministry
of information and communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the
amateur radio service members are granted general access to the 4m band in
the spectrum portion of 70.0 - 70.5 MHz for the period May 1, 2017 - May 1,
2022 on secondary basis.

This extension and broadening of the 4m band allocation in Kazakhstan has
been achieved thanks to the efforts of the Association of the Amateur Radio
Services of Kazakhstan.

*Mike UN8GC*
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