ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadorismo - É um passatempo divertido com um propósito.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 21 de Agosto de 2017 - 18:55:52 WEST
Ham radio: A fun hobby with a purpose
*Yorkton This Week* reports on the Saskatchewan Hamfest 2017
Plenty of people attending Hamfest 2017 at the Painted Hand Casino had
talked to George Williams before, but they might know him by another name.
He would be better known by his call sign VE5GTW, or “Great Tasting
“In ham we always put a strange tag on it. Victor echo five golf tango
whiskey are the legal phonetics, but they call me Great Tasting Whiskey
which is also GTW. I picked up that nickname long before I had the actual
call sign.â€
Saskatchewan Hamfest 2017, in Yorkton for the first time hosted by the
Parkland Amateur Radio Club, was the annual gathering of ham operators
spread across the province to have a chance to meet in person. While
Williams notes that they talk on the radio all the time, they don’t see
each other very often.
“It gives you a face to relate to, to me that’s important.â€
The other goal is to get more people into the hobby. One of the ways to do
that is the flea market component of the fest, and the old equipment from
many ham operators is put up for sale. Williams got his start with a used
radio he bought at a flea market.
“It got me on the air, and I progressed from there.â€
Ham radio might be primarily a hobby, but it’s a hobby with a real world
application. In emergencies, radio is a reliable form of communication when
the cell phone network is down, whether it’s down due to a disaster, a
missing person in an area with poor cell phone coverage or, for a very
recent example, if fibre communication lines are cut accidentally like they
were in the maritimes earlier this month. Parkland Search and Rescue was at
the event recruiting ham operators to help them out with their technology,
as the radios are their primary form of communication when doing a search.
Read the full story at
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