ARLA/CLUSTER: IARU vai realizar demonstração de comunicações de emergência durante a ITU WRC-15 em Genebra
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 22 de Setembro de 2015 - 13:02:38 WEST
IARU emcomm display at ITU WRC-15 Geneva
A demonstration of the modes and equipment available to Amateur Radio in a
disaster for emergency communications, will be shown at the World
Radiocommunications Conference in Geneva in November.
The trailer-mounted displays of equipment with voice, text and image modes,
and a mobile antenna on November 4-14, follows a series of planning
meetings with the IARU and ITU.
IARU International Coordinator of Emergency Communications, *Hans
Zimmermann HB9AQS/F5VKP* has announced that his project coordinating was
finalised at the September meeting of the ITU-D SG-2 meeting in Geneva
He said the equipment will be provided by the specialist German club
‘Notfunk Deutschland’ (Emergency Radio Germany), in agreement with the IARU
Member Society, Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC). Other IARU Member
Societies from nearby countries are giving posters and other material.
Hans Zimmermann said: “This will not be a field day station or even a
simulated emergency or other intensive operational activity.
“The purpose is to show how the wide range of means allows the Amateur
Service to serve in an emergency situation.â€
The display will be opposite the main WRC-15 entrance on a somewhat higher
open space alongside the ITU tower.
Among the information material will be a brief description in several
languages. The dates include a weekend and the IARU reception on November
The Notfunk Deutschland website is
*Jim Linton VK3PC* Chairman
IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
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