ARLA/CLUSTER: Europa vai apresentar proposta comum para a nova banda de amadores dos 60m (5 MHZ) durante a WRC-15

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 22 de Setembro de 2015 - 13:06:51 WEST

WRC-15 and 5 MHz (60m)

The SARL reports a European Common Proposal (ECP) for an allocation of 100
kHz at 5350-5450 kHz has been accepted

This was a hard fought success with 7 abstentions (Austria, Belgium, UK,
Hungary, Ireland, Montenegro, Poland) and 5 against (Azerbaijan, Germany,
Romania, Russian Federation and France).

It is now up to the African block to support the agenda item at WRC which
starts in Geneva, Switzerland on 2 November.

Source: South African Radio League (SARL)

The World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) Agenda and Relevant
Resolutions can be downloaded from
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