ARLA/CLUSTER: Brennan Price (N4QX) : O meu plano estupido para a banda dos 60m na WRC 2015

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 17 de Fevereiro de 2014 - 13:12:11 WET

My Stupid Plan for 60 Meters

The Ham Radio Now interview with ARRL's Brennan Price N4QX about the
chance for a real 60 Meter (5 MHz) band at the 2015 World Radio
Conference generated considerable response

Ham Radio Now's Gary Pearce KN4AQ writes on

That surprised me, but what surprised me more was that in a lot of
those comments, some of you hoped the whole new band would be
channelized, just as our little 5-channel slice is now. And the very
simple idea behind it is to avoid that annoying adjacent-frequency
interference that we impose on ourselves with our "freedom" to operate
anywhere in the other bands we're licensed to operate. That idea is
not universally popular by a long shot, but it had more support than I

So I thought, "How would this work?" For one thing, it would have to
be as close to world-wide as it could be. And we'd have to get a jump
on it now. The comments window for the FCC's proposal for the US's
position at the WRC seemed to be a good opportunity to get started. So
I wrote up my version of comments (that I'll be revising, then file
soon - we have until February 18). And then I made a show.

First, Jeff and I kicked the ideas around a bit. Jeff doesn't like it
- he wants a conventional band where we are free to get too close to
each other, just like the other bands. Then Jeff had to bug out, so I
carried on alone, reading my first draft and providing all my
supporting arguments. (I had invaded a 60 Meter Yahoo Group looking
for someone to talk to about it, but got no takers in the short time
frame I had available. I did get someone suggesting that I ought to be
keel-hauled for my impertinence).

And so this is it, in two parts. Almost two full hours of HamRadioNow!
Let's see if we keep the comments and momentum going. Oh, and this
time, feel free to watch the show. Here, I'll make it easy for you.

Watch Episode 132-1: My Stupid Plan for 60 Meters, Part One

Watch Episode 132-2: My Stupid Plan for 60 Meters, Part Two

Ham Radio Now

Ham Radio Now: Brennan Price N4QX - A 60-Meter Band ?

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