ARLA/CLUSTER: XXXII Contest INORC, 1 e 2 de Dezembro 2012
João Gonçalves Costa
Sexta-Feira, 30 de Novembro de 2012 - 12:01:40 WET
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 December 2012
Dates and Times: First full weekend of December, from Saturday at 12 UTC to Sunday at 12 UTC. In 2012: 1-2 December. [011200 - 021200] UTC Dezembro
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m.
Categories: N = Naval stations (i.e. members of a Naval Club), I = Independent (Non members of a Naval Club), SWL
Call: CQ INORC or TEST INORC. The "Naval" stations may mention "/N" after their call sign.
Exchange: Naval stations send RST+ Club ID and number (599 IN 471, 599 MF893, etc.)
Non Naval stations send RST+ QSO serial number
Points: qso with Naval station 10 pts; qso with Non Naval station 1 point. Work the same station once per band.
Multipliers: all the Naval stations worked are multipliers. Count them only once (not again on new bands).
Total score: total points x total multipliers
SWL Rules: hrd of a Naval station = 10 points; hrd of a Non Naval station = 1 point.
The same station can be logged only once per band. Multipliers are all the Naval stations logged, counted only once in the contest. The logs must report both stations of a qso.
LOGS: send your logs via e-mail to the contest manager to sandro_i7ale<mailto:sandro_i7ale> . You will receive confirmation of log receipt. Any software can be used, all are welcomed, even if Cabrillo is preferred. "SD" by EI5DI and "QARTest" by IK3QAR (both free) support the INORC Contest.
Paper logs can be sent (if you have to) to the Contest Manager address:
Sandro D'Onofrio, Via Madonna della Libera 20, 71030 MACCHIA (FG), Italy
Scores: logs will be scored separately for Naval and Non naval stations, as well as for SWLs.
Prizes: first place Naval and first place Non Naval win a BEGALI Paddle kindly made available by Begali (<>) , and a nice crest or plaque offered by Luigi I8JYK (<>). First place SWL receives a crest or plaque, offered by I8JYK.
All stations submitting the log will receive a certificate of participation with their score and position in the final results.
INORC Award: along with the log submission, if the qso logged satisfy the Award Rules, you can also submit the request for the INORC Award (see rules in the pertinent page of our INORC site<>
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