ARLA/CLUSTER: Exames e materias para estudo dos radioamadores nos E.U.A.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Domingo, 27 de Novembro de 2011 - 23:14:52 WET

Equivalências entre as licenças e recomendações da CEPT, as classes nos
Estados Unidos e categorias actuais em Portugal:

- CEPT Radio Amateur Licence (Recomendação CEPT T/R 61-01), baseada na
Recomendação de exame CEPT T/R 61-02 corresponde nos EUA à Extra Class e em
Portugal à categoria 1.

- CEPT Novice Licence (Recomendação ECC/REC/(05)06), baseada na
Recomendação de exame ERC Report 32 corresponde nos EUA à General Class e
em Portugal à categoria 2.

- CEPT Entry Level Amateur Radio Licence, baseada na Recomendação de
exame ECC Report 89 equivalente nos EUA à Technician Class,  em Portugal à
categoria 3.
 Atenção para aceder a estes conteudos pode ser necessário estar registado

*Practice Amateur Radio Exams*

2010 Technician Exam Practice Test
<>- or -
*study a specific sub-category * <javascript:void(0);>

   *Subject categories for Technician pool 2010*
   - *T1A* Amateur Radio services; purpose of the amateur service,
   amateur-satellite service, operator/primary station license grant, where
   FCC rules are codified, basis and purpose of FCC rules, meanings of basic
   terms used in FCC rules <>
   - *T1B* Authorized frequencies; frequency allocations, ITU regions,
   emission type, restricted sub-bands, spectrum sharing, transmissions near
   band edges <>
   - *T1C* Operator classes and station call signs; operator classes,
   sequential, special event, and vanity call sign systems, international
   communications, reciprocal operation, station license licensee, places
   where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC,
   - *T1D* Authorized and prohibited
   - *T1E* Control operator and control types; control operator required,
   eligibility, designation of control operator, privileges and duties,
   control point, local, automatic and remote control, location of control
   operator <>
   - *T1F* Station identification and operation standards; special
   operations for repeaters and auxiliary stations, third party
   communications, club stations, station security, FCC
   - *T2A* Station operation; choosing an operating frequency, calling
   another station, test transmissions, use of minimum power, frequency use,
   band plans <>
   - *T2B* VHF/UHF operating practices; SSB phone, FM repeater, simplex,
   frequency offsets, splits and shifts, CTCSS, DTMF, tone squelch, carrier
   squelch, phonetics <>
   - *T2C* Public service; emergency and non-emergency operations, message
   traffic handling <>
   - *T3A* Radio wave characteristics; how a radio signal travels;
   distinctions of HF, VHF and UHF; fading, multipath; wavelength vs.
   penetration; antenna
   - *T3B* Radio and electromagnetic wave properties; the electromagnetic
   spectrum, wavelength vs. frequency, velocity of electromagnetic waves
   - *T3C* Propagation modes; line of sight, sporadic E, meteor, aurora
   scatter, tropospheric ducting, F layer skip, radio
   - *T4A* Station setup; microphone, speaker, headphones, filters, power
   source, connecting a computer, RF
   - *T4B* Operating controls; tuning, use of filters, squelch, AGC,
   repeater offset, memory
   - *T5A* Electrical principles; current and voltage, conductors and
   insulators, alternating and direct
   - *T5B* Math for electronics; decibels, electronic units and the metric
   system <>
   - *T5C* Electronic principles; capacitance, inductance, current flow in
   circuits, alternating current, definition of RF, power
   - *T5D* Ohm?s Law <>
   - *T6A* Electrical components; fixed and variable resistors, capacitors,
   and inductors; fuses, switches,
   - *T6B* Semiconductors; basic principles of diodes and
   - *T6C* Circuit diagrams; schematic
   - *T6D* Component functions <>
   - *T7A* Station radios; receivers, transmitters,
   - *T7B* Common transmitter and receiver problems; symptoms of overload
   and overdrive, distortion, interference, over and under modulation, RF
   feedback, off frequency signals; fading and noise; problems with digital
   communications interfaces <>
   - *T7C* Antenna measurements and troubleshooting; measuring SWR, dummy
   loads, feedline failure modes<>
   - *T7D* Basic repair and testing; soldering, use of a voltmeter,
   ammeter, and ohmmeter <>
   - *T8A* Modulation modes; bandwidth of various
   - *T8B* Amateur satellite operation; Doppler shift, basic orbits,
   operating protocols <>
   - *T8C* Operating activities; radio direction finding, radio control,
   contests, special event stations, basic linking over
   - *T8D* Non-voice communications; image data, digital modes, CW, packet,
   PSK31 <>
   - *T9A* Antennas; vertical and horizontal, concept of gain, common
   portable and mobile antennas, relationships between antenna length and
   frequency <>
   - *T9B* Feedlines; types, losses vs. frequency, SWR concepts, matching,
   weather protection, connectors<>
   - *T0A* AC power circuits; hazardous voltages, fuses and circuit
   breakers, grounding, lightning protection, battery safety, electrical code
   compliance <>
   - *T0B* Antenna installation; tower safety, overhead power
   - *T0C* RF hazards; radiation exposure, proximity to antennas,
   recognized safe power levels, exposure to

2011 Exam Practice Test <> - or - *study
a specific sub-category * <javascript:void(0);>

   *Subject categories for General pool 2011*
   - *G1A* General Class control operator frequency privileges; primary and
   secondary allocations <>
   - *G1B* Antenna structure limitations; good engineering and good amateur
   practice; beacon operation; restricted operation; retransmitting radio
   signals <>
   - *G1C* Transmitter power regulations; data emission
   - *G1D* Volunteer Examiners and Volunteer Examiner Coordinators;
   temporary identification <>
   - *G1E* Control categories; repeater regulations; harmful interference;
   third party rules; ITU regions<>
   - *G2A* Phone operating procedures; USB/LSB utilization conventions;
   procedural signals; breaking into a QSO in progress; VOX
   - *G2B* Operating courtesy; band plans, emergencies, including drills
   and emergency communications<>
   - *G2C* CW operating procedures and procedural signals, Q signals and
   common abbreviations; full break
   - *G2D* Amateur Auxiliary; minimizing interference; HF
   - *G2E* Digital operating: procedures, procedural signals and common
   abbreviations <>
   - *G3A* Sunspots and solar radiation; ionospheric disturbances;
   propagation forecasting and
   - *G3B* Maximum Usable Frequency; Lowest Usable Frequency;
   - *G3C* Ionospheric layers; critical angle and frequency; HF scatter;
   Near Vertical Incidence Sky
   - *G4A* Station Operation and
   - *G4B* Test and monitoring equipment; two-tone
   - *G4C* Interference with consumer electronics; grounding;
   - *G4D* Speech processors; S meters; sideband operation near band
   - *G4E* HF mobile radio installations; emergency and battery powered
   operation <>
   - *G5A* Reactance; inductance; capacitance; impedance; impedance
   - *G5B* The Decibel; current and voltage dividers; electrical power
   calculations; sine wave root-mean-square (RMS) values; PEP
   - *G5C* Resistors, capacitors and inductors in series and parallel;
   transformers <>
   - *G6A* Resistors; capacitors;
   - *G6B* Rectifiers; solid state diodes and transistors; vacuum tubes;
   batteries <>
   - *G6C* Analog and digital integrated circuits (IC's); microprocessors;
   memory; I/O devices; microwave IC's (MMIC's); display
   - *G7A* Power supplies; schematic
   - *G7B* Digital circuits; amplifiers and
   - *G7C* Receivers and transmitters; filters,
   - *G8A* Carriers and modulation: AM; FM; single and double sideband;
   modulation envelope;
   - *G8B* Frequency mixing; multiplication; HF data communications;
   bandwidths of various modes;
   - *G9A* Antenna feed lines: characteristic impedance and attenuation;
   SWR calculation, measurement and effects; matching
   - *G9B* Basic antennas <>
   - *G9C* Directional antennas<>
   - *G9D* Specialized antennas<>
   - *G0A* RF safety principles, rules and guidelines; routine station
   evaluation <>
   - *G0B* Safety in the ham shack: electrical shock and treatment, safety
   grounding, fusing, interlocks, wiring, antenna and tower

 2008 Extra Exam Practice Test <> -
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