ARLA/CLUSTER: D4C novamente activa entre 8 e 16 de Agosto de 2008.
João Gonçalves Costa
Terça-Feira, 22 de Julho de 2008 - 11:37:59 WEST
Depois de ter sido encerrada pelo seu principal promotor, eis que volta a renascer das cinzas, qual Fénix Cabo Verdiana, e neste caso também com a ajuda de dois radioamadores portugueses, Santos(CT1DVV) e o seu filho Rui (CT1ESV), alem de uma vasta equipa de colegas italianos.
D4C active again 6th to 18th August 2008
D4C located in Cape Verde Islands will be active once more between 8th and 16th August 2008.
Some good north-south conditions have seen contact with many European stations including the author who managed the trip to D4C with a short boom 3-element yagi!
The D4C team had this to say on their site:
'Just to inform that D4C station, during more improvement work for CQWW DX SSB 2008, will be active during next "Worked All Europe CW" contest operated by YL2KL and IK2NCJ.
The entry will be Multi-Single category.
Also more activity will be done during " SARTG WW RTTY" contest operated by IK2NCJ as SOABHP
Some more 6 meter and HF activity will take place from 6 to 18 august.
Since November 2007 we establish a VHF beacon on 50 Mhz.
TX: Motorola
Antenna: vertical
PWR: 40 W
QRG: 50,034 MHz
Locator: HK76MV
TNX and CU in test....'
More information can be found at the D4C website<>
Our thanks to Justin G0KSC for alerting us to this item
Fonte: Fonte: Southgate Amateur Radio Club.
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