ARLA/CLUSTER: DX material: Brazil on 5-9-11 MHz bands.

Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves carlos-relvas
Quinta-Feira, 4 de Janeiro de 2007 - 18:34:44 WET

Dear Wolfgang,

Here's more "Brennstoff"..., and then even more to compile!

BRAZIL (cont'ed.)
4775 kHz R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2237-2246, 27 Dec 06, talks, songs;
43341, QRM de PRU; better on 28 Dec at 2245.

4785 kHz R.Caiari, Porto Velho RO, 2230-2235, 27 Dec 06, advertisements,
talks; 24321, adj. uty. QRM, lowish audio.

4805 kHz R.Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2223-2236, 27 Dec 06, pops &
chats in a dedicatons prgr, ID simply as "Difusora", advertisements; 45333.

4815 kHz R.Difusura, Londrina PR, 2221-2230, 27 Dec 06, phone-ins; 23341,
adj. uty. QRM.

4825 kHz R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 2218-2227, 27 Dec 06, Voz do Brasil natl.
newscast; 44343, QRM de B, better via usb.

4845.2 kHz R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 1026-f/out 1105, 27 Dec 06,
(unreadable) talks; 15341.

4865 kHz R.Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul AC, 2305-2314, 27 Dec 06, fq
announcement+ID after rosary, prayer; 23341, QRM de B.

4885 kHz R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1024-f/out 1110, 27 Dec 06, news; 15341.

4885 kHz ditto, 1854-1920, 27 Dec 06, pops, chats; 24331, improving but
inaudible (!) at recheck at 1945; rated 55444 later at 2217.

4905 kHz R.Araguaia (t), Araguaína TO, 2309-2319, 27 Dec 06, sermon; 24342,
het. w/ UNID.

4915 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 1953-2012, 27 Dec 06, sung ave Mary,
IDs,folk songs; 44433, QRM de B.

4925 kHz R.Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2315-2323, 27 Dec 06, talks about
farming & the flow of produce; 35342, echoing audio reducing readability.

4935 kHz R.Capixaba, Vitória ES, 2317-2323, 27 Dec 06, folk songs w/ a a
religious tone...; 35332.

4965 kHz R.Alvorada (listed) (t), Parintins AM, 2324-..., 27 Dec 06, Braz.
rhythms; 24331, QRM de ZMB.

4985 kHz R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2326-2342, 27 Dec 06, feature
"Roteiro Cultural" in night prgr called "A Noite é Nossa", songs, TCs;

5035 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2011-..., 31 Dec 06, (unreadable) talks;
15321, sporadic uty. QRM; \\ 9630 at 54433.

5940.2 kHz R.Guarujá Paulista, Guarujá SP, 2335-..., 27 Dec06, IDs, light
songs; 24331.

5969.9 kHz R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2239-2247, 28 Dec 06, f/ball
news...; 43442, adj. QRM.

6000 kHz R.Guaíba, Porto Alegre RS, 2235-2245, 28 Dec, 06, news,
advertisements, f/ball news; 43432, adj. QRM.

6010 kHz R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2218-2235, 28 Dec 06, talks,
Braz. rhythms; 43442.

6080 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 2227-..., 28 Dec, newscast, fq ann.
at 2228; 42441, adj. QRM de DW 6075, probably via POR, and if so then just
75 km away northwards of me; \\ 4915 simply like a local.

6135 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2231-2238, 28 Dec 06, newscast, songs;
43442, QRM de CLA stn R.República + its CUB jammer.

9515 kHz R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1942-1956, 27 Dec 06, "música gaúcha",
adv. for "Bálsamo da Amazónia", all in some religious prgr; 44433.

9530 kHz R.Transmundial, Santa Maria RS, 2138-2203, 28 Dec 06, Voz do Brasil
natl. newscast, fqs ann. 2200 followed by a religious prgr; 55444.

9565 kHz R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2140-2206, 28 Dec 06, Voz do Brasil, songs
2200, preacher by "the one & only" David Miranda...; 55444; AC type hum in

9615 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, by far the best stn as far as prgrs are
concerned, 2144-2211, 28 Dec, news, S.Paulo stock exchnage infos in news
magazine "Atenção, Brasil!", then oldies prgr; 55444.

9630 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1110-1155, 31 Dec 06, prgr "Rádio
Revista"; 25432, but later some QRM de UNID in Chinese.

9675 kHz R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1239-1252, 27 Dec 06, talks;
23431, adj. QRM de 9680.
9675 ditto, 2147-2205, 28 Dec 06, Voz do Brasil, fqs-affiliated stns list,
religious prgr "Acorda para Deus"; 55444, splashing over many adj. chs.,
clipped audio.

9645.2 kHz R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 1907-1926, 27 Dec 06, "noticiário
Bandeirantes"; 33442, adj. & co-ch QRM de CRI.

9665 kHz R.Marumby, Florianópolis SC, 1910-1935, 27 Dec 06, preacher, talks;
33442, adj. QRM.

9694.8 kHz R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1912-1937, 27 Dec 06, music, "quarta-feira
de pura libertação" (religious sense), the day's reading followed by
preaching as if to season the dish...; 35433.
9694.9 ditto, 1107-f/out 1240, 31 Dec 06, religious prgr, music; 35443.

11724.9 kHz R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1333-..., 28 Dec 06, religious
prgr, greetings, songs; 24432.
11724.9 kHz ditto, 1940-2007, 31 Dec 06, religious songs, ID, fqs+affiliated
stns list (R.Marumby included therein), prgr "A Bíblia Sagrada"; 52442, QRM
de DW; rated 55444 at 2000.

11734.9 kHz R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 1346-..., 28 Dec 06, newscast, Bible
passages reading, prgr "Diário (about Bible verses...); 33442, QRM de TUR.

11780 kHz R.Nacional da Amazónia, Brasília DF, 1515-1611, 28 Dec 06, Braz.
rhythms, mailbox; 35433.

11785 kHz R.Guaíba, Ptº Alegre RS, 1942-2003, 31 Dec 06, talks about the
year's end celebrations, advs.; 33442, adj. QRM de B 11780.

11815 kHz R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 1950-2010, 31 Dec 06, pops, milk
drinking promo, songs; 55444.

11829.9 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 1336-1510, 28 Dec 06, "Revista da
Imprensa" in newscast,..., interview about a new dam; 35433, co-ch QRM at
11829.9 kHz ditto, 1957-2006, 31 Dec 06, reports on the São Silvestre
marathon, newscast; 55444.

11925 kHz R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2204-2225, 28 Dec 06, chat prgr
"Café com Bobagem", ment'ed the 70th annivers. of the stn, Carnaval songs,
fqs ann. followed by feature "Desporto em Debate"; 55444.

(all 38 de Carlos Gonçalves - POR)


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