ARLA/CLUSTER : Engenharias&Tecnologias, newsletter n.11, 22 de Marco de 2006

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Quarta-Feira, 22 de Março de 2006 - 09:41:57 WET

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A publicacao semanal dedicada as novas tecnologias, electricas e electronicas

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Engenharias&Tecnologias n.11    Copyright 2006, 22 de Marco de 2006

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EDITOR: Antonio Sergio Sena, asena


- Notas do Editor
- Artigos de Interesse
- Novos Componentes
- Eventos
- Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
- Emprego!
- Acerca da Engenharias&Tecnologias

Notas do Editor

E esta semana ja ia animada, com a continuacao das noticias de OPAs e contra-OPAs, e com as manifestacoes dos agricultores e outros, ate dar de caras com um artigo numa pagina de grande referencia.
Ora este dito artigo fala da escolha de uma empresa entrageira, para ser a fornecedora de tecnologia para os nossos passaportes-electronicos. E depois de o ter lido com atencao, e de ter meditado sobre o mesmo, fiquei sem saber se ca em Portugal nao existe capacidade cerebral para o efeito, ou se continuamos no mesmo lema: o que vem de fora e' melhor.

"Axalto selected for the Portuguese ePassport"
Axalto, the world's leader in microprocessor cards, announced it has been selected by the Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda (INCM), the Portuguese national printing agency, to provide the electronic covers, software and solution for the national e-passport roll out.

E como dizia o nosso querido Fernando Pessa, "e esta, hem?"...

Agora ainda mais se aplica esta frase que eu tenho aqui faz duas semanas ::
Tirado de um dos muitos emails que circulam pela internet:
"Nao somos pobres porque nos faltam recursos naturais, ou porque a natureza foi cruel connosco. Somos pobres porque nos falta atitude."

A redaccao do Engenharias&Tecnologias esta' a ponderar a realizacao de edicoes tematicas mensais, dedicadas ao tema das energias alternativas.
Cada mes, cada energia, projectos electronicos e artigos dedicados a essa energia.
Estamos a aguardar os comentarios, por parte do auditorio/leitores, com as devidas opinioes e sugestoes.

E ja agora, Obrigado!

Entretanto, se tiver sugestoes na medida de como podemos melhorar esta newsletter, e o seu site, queiram fazer o favor de me contactar directamente.

Melhores cumprimentos,
Antonio Sergio Sena, Editor

Artigos de Interesse

# Solar Power Charges Car Batteries


BASF is working with Tekion, a North American developer of micro fuel cells for portable electronic products, to develop and fuel cell technology that uses formic acid as the fuel.

# Wireless-sensor networks find a fit in the unlicensed band
Welcome to the new world of wireless connectivity, thanks to recently introduced standards, protocols, and enabling hardware for the unlicensed RF bands.

# Samsung Offers Flash-based Hard Drive
The Korean memory giant is targeting the 32GByte drive at the notebook and other mobile computer markets, touting it as a superior alternative to the standard hard drive.

# When Craig discovered his local BMW dealer charges $50 to reset the oil change indicator light on his 1999 BMW 528i, he did what any good engineer would do: He built his own reset tool.

# Fuses -- the Dinosaurs of Circuit Protection
In the interest of saving space & cost, some designers of power distribution/power controllers select fuses as opposed to electro-magnetic circuit breakers. While fuses can be substituted as over-current protection devices the purchaser of these power controllers must consider the overall protection-reliability of the system design and the total cost.

# Circuit Removes Relay-Contact Bounce

# IR and RS-485 Communication Channels for an Electricity Meter
When designing an electricity meter, communication is often the last thing considered. Today's electricity meters must capture more and more information and automatically convey the usage information from the meter to the utility. That is the job of the communication subsystem in the MAX3120 electricity meter reference design.

# Standards for Multifunction, Multirate Electricity Meters
Multifunction electricity meters are governed by a variety of standards. This application note discusses the factors one should consider when designing a multifunction electricity meter, and shows how to implement a Class 1 electricity meter using the MAXQ3120 Electricity-Meter Reference Design.

# Analog Dialogue (March 2006)

# Analog Devices' 16-Bit Data Converters Achieve Best-In-Class Signal-To-Noise Ratio And IF Sampling Performance
New AD9460 and AD9461 ADCs deliver true 16-bit resolution for instrumentation, radar, medical imaging, and communication systems.

# Bluetooth Market to Exceed 500M Radios in 2006

# Microsoft One, Sony Zero

# Sample Stable Signals
In the previous column, I described the operation of three types of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Each converter takes a specific period to "convert" a voltage into a digital value. If you plan to measure a voltage from a sensor that puts out a signal that varies only slightly over time, some converters can keep up with the changes ...

# smart cars get Garmin GPS

# NASA rescues FUSE satellite

# Microsoft Makes IPTV Move in Germany
Deutsche Telekom is working with Microsoft to provide the software platform for its proposed Internet Protocol television services in Germany.

# Philips pursues aggressive roadmap of embedded non-volatile memories

# Sunext and Philips Sign Licensing Agreement for Optical Drive Semiconductor Technology

Novos Componentes

# VIDEO AND HIGH-SPEED AMPS Design Guide: 24th Edition

# WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE Design Guide: 2nd Edition

# This month's Solutions Bulletin is chock full of information on new DACs from Analog Devices

# High Performance Power Factor Correction Capacitors
In addition to a more compact design, this film and metallization technology leads to lower losses, reduced weight for many standard types, and higher performance for the entire series. Other features include volume and weight reduction, product range extension, improved electrical performance and a pre-mounted hybrid ceramic discharge resistor module.

# USB Port Replacing AC Adapters as Battery Charger Power Source for Portables


# France: RF & HYPER EUROPE 2006
March 21-23, 2006, CNIT, PARIS LA DEFENSE

# Germany: Semicon Europa 2006
April 04-06, 2006, New Munich Trade Fair Center

# Portable Power Developers Conference 06
April 3-5, 2006, Richardson, TX

# CTIA Wireless 2006 ' The Most Important Technology Event of the Year!
CTIA Wireless 2006, the premier global event for all things wireless, is scheduled for April 5 - 7, 2006 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event will feature nearly 1,000 exhibitors as well as pavilions addressing mobile entertainment products and trends, wireless imaging, and wireless accessories.

# Freescale Technology Forum'Fast Learning, Fast Fun
July 24-27 in Orlando, Florida

Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental

# Circuit Enables Single NiMH Cell to Simulate a Lithium Battery

# AA Battery Solar Charger

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Acerca da Engenharias&Tecnologias

A Engenharias&Tecnologias e' uma publicacao enviada por email por Antonio Sergio Sena. Enviar comentarios e contribuicoes para asena Para subscrever, enviar uma mensagem em branco para join-engtec Para deixar de receber a newsletter, enviar uma mensagem em branco para leave-engtec A Engenharias&Tecnologias e' patrocinada por SENA engenharia, cuja missao e' Investigar e Desenvolver solucoes electronicas de qualidade, para clientes exigentes. O seu objectivo e' apresentar solucoes flexiveis e inovadoras, com os mais elevados padroes de qualidade e rentabilidade, mantendo, assim, relacoes proximas e duradouras com os seus clientes. A SENA engenharia pode ser contactada em info para mais informacoes, ou entao via

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