ARLA/CLUSTER : DX material.
Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves
Segunda-Feira, 24 de Abril de 2006 - 19:29:40 WEST
Dear Wolfgang,
Here's something more than last time's contribution... thanks to another
weekend on the SW coast!
6060 kHz R.Nacional, General Pacheco, audible mixed with RAI, Italy,
2244-..., 22 Apr, talks on cinema; 32441; \\ 15345v. (Carlos Gonçalves -
5952.4 kHz R.Pío XII, Siglo XX, logged 2135-2139, 21 Apr, Quechua, talks,
Spanish too, tunes; 33432, adj. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6134. kHz R.Stª Cruz, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, barely audible 2141-2146, 21
Apr, Spanish, news (t); 32441, QRM de B & adj. chs. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6155 kHz R.Fides, La Paz, obs'ed 2246-..., 22 Apr, talks in Spanish; 23431,
blocked by a silent carrier. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
The 60 m band was too noisy when obs'ed on Fri. 21 Apr, and wasn't that
better the follolwing day, while TA DX on the 90 m band was nil except for
the Guyana stn)
4765 kHz R.Emissora Rural, Santarém PA, 0838-f/out 0855, 23 Apr, talks;
4885 kHz R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 2106-2124, 21 Apr, f/ball news,
advertisements; 43432, CODAR (?) QRM.
4915 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 2118-2129, music, sl. "Anhangüera -
fazendo a festa a seu lado!", folk music; 44422, QRM de GHA (had been obs'ed
1936-1950, 15 Apr, rtd. 55333), not \\ to 11830 kHz.
4985 kHz R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 0852-f/out 0910, 22 Apr, songs;
25331. Also obs'ed 2150-2201, 21 Apr, light songs; 55433.
5045 kHz R.Guarujá Paulista, Presidente Prudente SP, 2217-2226, 21 Apr,
talks, advertisements; 34331, dreadful conditions.
5955 kHz R.Gazeta, São Paulo SP, 2233-2242, 22 Apr, f/ball match results,
advertisements; 33441, QRM de BBC (t).
5959.9 kHz R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2225-2236, 22 Apr, f/ball match
rpt Fluminense v Goiás, other results; 23441, adj. QRM.
6019.6 kHz R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 2240-2249, 22 Apr, religious prgr &
report from a a believer and her story about getting healed...; 34432.
6040 kHz R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2242-2251, 22 Apr, f/ball prgr
"Apito final", results, music prgr "Club da Saudade"; 34442.
6134.8 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2142-2147, 21 Apr, talks, songs;
6150 kHz R.Record, São Paulo SP, 2144-..., 21 Apr, f/ball news, TCs,
interviews; 33441, co-ch & adj. QRM.
6180 kHz R.Nac. da Amazónia, Brasília DF, 2250-..., 22 Apr, talks,
listeners' mail; 53432, so quite bad for such a power (250 kW), adj. QRM.
9504.8 kHz R.Record, São Paulo SP, 2153-2206, 21 Apr, talks on f/ball,
interview, TS, "1ª edição do Record no Desporto", advertisements; 55433 but
9515 kHz R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 0956-f/out 1010, 22 Apr, fqs, talks;
9530 kHz R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 2156-2208, 21 Apr, religious prgr, ID,
fqs & list of affiliated stns; 34432.
9564.9 kHz R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2207-2218, 21 Apr, religious prgr, refs. to
"Campanha da Luz Divina"...; 34432, adj. QRM.
9615 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 2108-2w121, 22 Apr, Braz. reggae music
prgr "Cultura Reggae"; 44433, adj. QRM; also obs'ed at 0946-1003, 23 Apr,
poetry reading, talks; 23432, adj. QRM. \\ 17814.6.
9630 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 0950-f/out 1035, 22 Apr, folk music prgr
"O Canto da Terra", news 1000; 25432.
9675 kHz R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 0945-f/out 1130, 22 Apr,
ID+fqs+list of affiliated stns, announcements, etc.; 34443, but barely
audible at 1130.
9694.9 kHz R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1932-1949, 22 Apr, talks on f/ball, refs.
to a match in the Manaus field, TCs; 33432, and not better at 2110.
9695 kHz R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 0955-1030, 23 Apr, progr. on Indian
vernaculars, incl. folk music "Gauchada pela Rio Mar", fqs, advertisements;
34432; they mentioned 1290, 9695 & 6160 kHz, but this last outlet is not
11724.9 kHz R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 1940-1952, 22 Apr, preacher in
religious show; 35432, occasional usb traffic QRM de Galician fishing boats
11734.9 kHz R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 1931-1952, 21 Apr, prgr
announcements, prgr "A Verdade Bíblica"; 54543, QRM de TZA (rtd. 54544 via
the CeAfr mini-Beverage). Also a mid-day observation: 1222-1245, 22 Apr,
religious prgr with echo, songs; 15431.
11805 kHz R.Globo, Rio de Janº RJ, 1935-..., 21 Apr, phone-ins prgr "Tarde
Legal", TCs, advertisements; 54533, tx suddenly off at 2048.
11815 kHz R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 1220-1355, 22 Apr, talks, songs;
24432; still audible at 1400.
11830 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 1221-1400, 22 Apr, talks,
advertisements, f/ball info at 1357; 25432; blocked by stn RKS, Russia.
11925 kHz R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 1936-1954, 22 Apr, f/ball match rpt
São Caetano v Corinthians, advertisements; 44433, splash de adj. chs.
17814.6 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 0951-vanished 1008, 23 Apr, poetry
reading; 14431.
(all 28 de Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
7230 kHz R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, obs'ed 1013-1218, 22 Apr, French, news,
talks, etc... Vernacular 1400; 35343. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6160 kHz CKZN, St.John's NF, nicely audible 2248-2256, 22 Apr, comic show in
English; 35433. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6165 kHz RD.Natle. Tchadienne, N'Djaména, audible 1748-1757, 22 Apr, talks
in Vernacular; 53443, QRM de HRV. It' usually the other way round, i.e.
Croatia drowning Chad. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6010.1 kHz LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, audible 2237-2248, 22 Apr,
religious prgr in Spanish; 34432. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5025 kHz R.Rebelde, Bauta, 0850-f/out 0945, 22 Apr, Spanish, local rhythms,
talks, news 0900; 25432. At this time, I found only this stn & Brazil's
R.Brasil Central 4985, apart from the usual US stns, of course. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)
4025.3 kHz Laser Hot Hits, site?, obs'ed 2120-2131, 22 Apr, English, music
from the sixties; 45232, so an unusually strong signal though spoiled by
plenty of static; // 6220 & 6275.
6275 kHz Laser Hot Hits, site?, 2113-2130, 22 Apr, music, e-mail, web,
postal addr; \\ 4025.3, 6220; 45333.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
648 kHz GRTS, Bonto, nicely audible again, 2221-2234, 21 Apr, English, talks
on Kenyan politics and its links with religion; 53433, co-ch QRM de E+G.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
(cf. BRAZIL 4915)
Tropical band conditions have been tough, at least here, and on top of that,
widespread utility (CODAR?) QRM around 4880 kHz; I tried 3291.1 kHz GBC,
Sparendaam, 2125-2135, 22 Apr, but only got a bad 23341; also obs'ed
0832-f/out 0850, 23 Apr, when airing Indian & other types of music; 15231
(no QRM at all at this time!). (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
A few AIR 60 m band stns logged 1735-1749, 22 Apr:
4820 Kolkata, 1735-1749, Vernacular, news, talks; 35342
4895 Kurseong, 1737-1740*, Vernacular, newscast; 23341
4950 Srinagar, 1739-1740* (!), Indian songs, then abrupt s/off; 35342.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
189 kHz RÚV, Gufuskálar, logged 1125-1220, 22 Apr, Icelandic (what else?!),
discussion, talks, weather rpt (?) 1210; 24352, adjc. QRM. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)
5010 kHz R.TV Malagasy, Antananarivo, obs'ed 1745-1809, 22 Apr, Malagasy,
radioplay, talks; 45343 but deteriorating. I can't remember of this being
so strong & "clear."(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
7245 kHz R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, now monitored at this time from the SW
coast: 1403-..., 22 Apr, French, news; 34343, het. w/ 7246.61 kHz, adj. DRM
QRM de 7240 kHz. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6010 kHz R.Mil, Cd. de México, obs'ed 0843-f/out 0955, 23 Apr, Spanish, folk
songs; 33332, QRM de CLM 6010.1. At this time, R.Educación 6185 kHz
putting a poor signal. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
7275 kHz R.Nigeria, Abuja, obs'ed 1011-..., 22 Apr, Vernacular, talks; gone
at recheck at 1135; 25342. In the same morning, VoNigeria, Ikorodu, 7255
was at full steam. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5950 kHz R.Madre de Dios, Ptº Maldonado, logged 2217-2226, 21 Apr, Spanish,
talks; 33342, better on LSB. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
9720 kHz R.Victoria, Lima, obs'ed 2210-2219, 21 Apr, Spanish (Braz.
speaker), announcements, music; 34432, adj. QRM only.
1530 kHz OCR Network stn heard again, viz. 1724-..., 22 Apr, Castilian,
announcement for "Carrusel Deportivo"; 34433; this is an external mixing
spur, I believe, and is being noticed again of late, but I stumbled into it
a number of years ago. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4790 kHz 2109-2117*, 21 Apr, African French, talks; many fast signal breaks
(similar to what you get with a faulty anntena connection in the wind) till
the tx went off for good; 55433. Whether it's Mali I don't know, but 5995
kHz was carrying a different prgr. Not audible the following day (Sat.).
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
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