ARLA/CLUSTER: Ainda não é este ano que a mais famosa Feira de Radioamadorismo do Mundo se realiza: Dayton Hamvention 2021 cancelada

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 13 de Janeiro de 2021 - 17:11:51 WET

Dayton Hamvention 2021 cancelled

The Hamvention organizers have decided to cancel this year's show which had
been planned for May 21-23 in Xenia, Ohio

A notice on their website says:

*Unfortunately, several setbacks in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic
make necessary the difficult decision to cancel Hamvention 2021. Hundreds
of volunteers have been working to do everything necessary to bring this
Hamvention to the many amateur radio enthusiasts and vendors who support
the Dayton Hamvention.Vaccine distribution both in the United States and
around the world is lagging behind what was planned. In addition, the
emergence of a more communicable form of the COVID-19 virus increases the
potential for further public health problems in the next few months. We
make this difficult decision for the safety of our guests and vendors.*

Dayton Hamvention

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