ARLA/CLUSTER: SDR: I/Q Data explained by Jan van Gils (PE0SAT)

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Junho de 2020 - 13:20:51 WEST

*Jan van Gils PE0SAT* has made available an explanation of the I/Q
(In-phase and Quadrature) components of a signal that are used in Software
Defined Radios (SDR)

"This is a description of using I/Q Data representing a signal. Since the
topic may be quite confusing, I’ve described the same thing here from
different points of views. If you find the information somewhat redundant,
it is because it is. Different views may appeal to different readers, and
if something seems unclear, keep on reading and it may be more
comprehensible later – hopefully."

Read I/Q Data Explained at
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