ARLA/CLUSTER: RSGB anunciou que as reservas para efectuar os exames on-line para radioamadores já estão disponíveis no Reino Unido

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 1 de Junho de 2020 - 14:02:43 WEST

New booking system for online amateur radio exams now available

The *RSGB* has announced that bookings for online Foundation exams, that
people can take in their own homes, resumes today, Monday, June 1

The Society has introduced a new online exam booking system which enables
you to select your preferred date and time for the exam.
Book your exam at

The 600 exam slots for June are already fully booked and the RSGB says the
next available examination sessions are from 8.00 am on Wednesday, July 1.

See the RSGB Online exam remote invigilation FAQ PDF at

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