ARLA/CLUSTER: AM QSO PARTY in Europe - Thank you! A big thank you to
all who took part in last weekend's AM QSO PARTY.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 31 de Janeiro de 2020 - 12:16:46 WET
I hope that those who took part enjoyed the challenge!
Can I remind folks to submit a log of your activities, be it 1 or 20+ QSOs.
Can I also ask for feedback on the event, positive and constructive, so we
can make changes to the rules to make future events even better.
We are planning to run another AM QSO PARTY in the summer months to
hopefully take advantage of improved propagation on the higher HF bands,
plus we are also considering a VHF / UHF activity day. Keep your eyes open
in all the usual places for news of our forthcoming events!
Thank you all for your participation and please do submit logs and comments
by the 15th February at the very latest. to:
Thank you,
Simon MW0NWM
Founder AM Amateur Radio Europe Facebook Group.
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