ARLA/CLUSTER: Associação japonesa de radioamadores foca o seu crescimento nos jovens e nas mulheres

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 15 de Janeiro de 2020 - 10:15:38 WET

JARL focus is on Younger Generations and Women

In his New Year statement Japan Amateur Radio League President *Yoshinori
Takao JG1KTC* says JARL continues to focus on acquiring new members of
Younger generations and Women

He also said "The succession of amateur radio, which is a useful means of
communication, to the next generation and the development of human
resources in the radio field are considered to be important social missions
of the Japan Amateur Radio League."

He noted that during 2019 the JARL had requested Deregulation of the
licensing system and sought permission for to allow hands-on operation of
an amateur radio station by unqualified persons.

Read Greetings from Japan Amateur Radio League President in Google English
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