ARLA/CLUSTER: AO3MWC: Barcelona week instead of Mobile World Congress 2020

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Quarta-Feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2020 - 13:11:04 WET

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De: EURAO <eurao>
Date: domingo, 23/02/2020 à(s) 20:17
Subject: AO3MWC: Barcelona week instead of Mobile World Congress
To: <cs5arla>

[image: EURAO] <> European Radio Amateurs'
Organization the open global radio amateurs community
[image: news]

Amateur Radio News...
Barcelona week <> [image: nuevo]

The Mobile Congress has been canceled, but the city has reinvented itself
with a week of offers: tourist, gastronomic, cultural, travel, etc., that
are worth taking advantage of. *Visit Barcelona these days!*
AO3MWC: Mobile World Congress 2020
<> [image: nuevo]

[image: Mobile World Congress 2020]
<> *22 February - 1 March*
this special event station will be on air thanks to *Ràdio Club Barcelona,
EA3RKB*, echoing this first class international event hosted by the mobile
world capital.

Week of technology, news and radio. You can participate actively operating
this station, also valid for the *EANET Award*.
© 2005-2020 *EURAO - European Radio Amateurs' Organization

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