ARLA/CLUSTER: TyQSL - Um Logbook baseado na Web que começou como um pequeno projeto

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 6 de Fevereiro de 2020 - 12:54:26 WET

TyQSL - a Web based Logbook that started as little project

When i got my Ham radio License in 2018, my search for a simple and
modern Logbook Solution ended without any decent result. So i started
to make my own Little web Application to log my QSOs, that had
Features I missed in other Solutions so far.

After a while some of my friendly Hamradio Operators asked me if they
could also use my Online Logbook. With that, the Project got more
grown-up and many things where fixed after Feedback from other Hams.

After a whole Remake of the Software in late 2019 to 01/2020 the
Online Logbook, that is named tyQSL, is now out of beta. It can be
used on any Device that has a modern Webbrowser and an Internet
Connection. Anyone that likes it can join for Free on https.//
where you can also find more Infos.

Feedback and suggestions are of course appreciated to make the
Plattform even better over time.

TyQSL - Online Logbook in

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