ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores australiano em obter 2 X 1 indicativos
de concurso
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 6 de Agosto de 2020 - 12:31:18 WEST
VK amateurs get 2 X 1 contest callsigns
As part of their recent changes to the Australian callsign template, the
Australian Radio Regulator, the *Australian Communications and Media
Authority* (ACMA) have approved the issue of 2 x 1 contest callsigns with
VJ, VK and VL prefixes.
These callsigns are available for Advanced class amateurs and club
stations, for contest operation only. There is a limit of one callsign per
licencee and one per club.
The 2 x 1 contest callsign structure was originally developed by a cross
sector committee convened by the Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA).
“The ACMA has extended this structure to two new prefixes; VJ and VL. This
allows 2 x 1 callsigns to be available to many more amateursâ€, RASA
President, *Glenn VK4DU* said.
For more info, visit
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