ARLA/CLUSTER: Radar OTH russo com interferências nas bandas de amador dos 7, 10, 14 e 18 MHz

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 11 de Novembro de 2019 - 12:36:54 WET

Russian OTH Radar Contayner now everywhere

The latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports the Russian
Over-The-Horizon Radar Contayner has been active in the 7, 10, 14 and 18
MHz amateur radio allocations

The OTH radar transmissions have been 40 sps, FMOP and 12 kHz wide.
Additionally IARUMS reports there has been a significant increase in
Russian military traffic using F1B, PSK and OFDM in the 7, 10, 14 and 21
MHz bands.

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1
October 2019 newsletter can be read at

Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the Signal
Identification Guide Wiki at

Reports of Amateur Band intruders can be logged on the IARU Region 1
Monitoring System Logger at

Monitor the short wave bands on-line with a web based SDR receiver at

IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS)
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