Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Thales (França) vem dizer que só pretende apoiar a utilização das bandas de 137-138 MHz e 148-149,9 MHz para a exploração espacial dos satélites nano e pico.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 25 de Junho de 2019 - 17:12:51 WEST

Bem me parece, que eles nunca imaginaram que as coisas tivessem uma
resposta tão "violenta" e de forma tão rápida.

Acho que já estão em regime de "contenção de danos" e a própria França, já
vem dizer que afinal tudo não passa de um enorme mal entendido, a sua
"proposta"  só terá a haver com as bandas abaixo e acima dos 144 a 146 MHz
e nunca teve nada a ver com o Serviço de Amador e Amador por Satélite e o
seu estatuto primário a nível mundial nesse segmento.

Vamos aguarda pela reunião de Agosto, para ver onde param as "modas".

Uma tradução livre da ultima parte do texto do Geoffrey (F4FXL):

" Sim, é isso ... Nenhuma informação (existe ainda) se a proposta será
colocada na agenda da WRC-23 ou não. O único raio de esperança que vejo é a
seguinte frase: “O exame do RR abaixo e acima da faixa de 144-146 MHz
sugere que propostas alternativas poderiam ser desenvolvidas para fornecer
espectro adicional para as aplicações aeronáuticas sem afectar o espectro
dos serviços amadores†. No entanto, isso não nos diz se propostas
alternativas foram feitas ou não.

Outro documento lista todos os participantes da reunião. Apenas olhando
para os participantes franceses, dos 13 participantes, 6 são representantes
de empresas! Dos 6 participantes representativos corporativos, 4 são da
Thales. A minha interpretação é que Thales está realmente pressionando a
CEPT para conseguir o que querem. "

João Costa (CT1FBF)

José Luís Proença <ct1gzb> escreveu no dia terça, 25/06/2019 à(s)

> Tudo o que essa ou outras empresas venham dizer a respeito do espectro
> radio-eléctrico é conversa de embalar...
> 73 de José Luís Proença, Operador do Posto Receptor/Emissor CT1GZB
> ARVM #53, REP #1418, SKCC #8178, CT-QRP #058, NRA PN#077, ARRLx #054, GPCW
> #007
> João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf> escreveu no dia terça, 25/06/2019
> à(s) 13:51:
>> Commentaires de Thales suite à la consultation : En tant que partie
>> prenante des systèmes ARGOS et Kinéis, qui se heurtent à la prolifération
>> des télécommandes de forte puissance dans la bande 401-403 MHz .
>> Thales soutient pleinement la position française d’utiliser les bandes
>> 137-138 MHz et 148-149.9 MHz pour l’exploitation spatiale des nano et pico
>> satellites.
>> *******************************************************************************************************
>> Update on the threats on 2m amateur band
>>  Geoffrey F4FXL <> June 22, 2019
>> <>Ham
>> Radio <>
>> <>The CEPT
>> meeting is over. Reading the minutes
>> <>of
>> the meeting raises more questions than answers.
>> There is lot of discussion about the future of the 23cm amateur band and
>> cohabitation with Galileo. Yet I cannot tell if all this is good or bad for
>> amateurs.
>> There is only one paragraph about the french proposal to take over the
>> 2m amateur band.
>> <> This is the
>> input of the IARU representative.
>> The representative of the IARU stated that, the IARU views with grave
>> concern the element of the WRC-23 agenda item proposal 1.6 in the AI10 ECP,
>> on studies towards a possible new allocation to the aeronautical mobile
>> service in the band 144-146 MHz. This band is an important and the only
>> globally harmonised primary allocation to the amateur and amateur satellite
>> services in the VHF range. Examination of the RR below and above the
>> 144-146 MHz range suggests that alternative proposals could be developed
>> that could provide further spectrum for the aeronautical applications
>> without impacting on this amateur service spectrum. The proposal provides
>> no justification for addressing this band and the IARU believes that
>> sharing with airborne systems is likely to be difficult and will lead to
>> constraints on the development of the amateur and amateur satellite
>> services in this band.
>> Yep that’s it… No information whether the proposal will be put on the
>> WRC23 agenda or not. The only ray of hope I see is the following sentence : *“Examination
>> of the RR below and above the 144-146 MHz range suggests that alternative
>> proposals could be developed that could provide further spectrum for the
>> aeronautical applications without impacting on this amateur service
>> spectrumâ€. **However, this does not tell us if alternate proposals have
>> been made or not.*
>> Another document
>> <> lists
>> all the meeting attendees. *Just looking at the french attendees, out of
>> 13 attendees 6 are representatives of corporates! Out of 6 corporate
>> representative attendees, 4 are from Thales.* My interpretation is that
>> Thales is really putting pressure on the CEPT to get what they want. In the
>> list below the corporate representatives are marked in red.
>>    - 6 France Eric Allaix Meteo France
>>    - 7 France Mohamed Benseddik *THALES* ALENIA SPACE
>>    - 8 France Thibaut Caillet ANFR
>>    - 9 France Hugues De Bailliencourt AIRBUS
>>    - 10 France Emmanuel Faussurier ANFR
>>    - 11 France Benoit Louvet *Thales* Alenia Space
>>    - 12 France Ivan Martin *THALES* Communication
>>    - 13 France Christine Mengelle *Thales* Alenia Space
>>    - 14 France yves piriou ANFR
>>    - 15 France Jean Pla Centre national d’études
>>    - 16 France Rodolphe Quemerais Ministry of Armies / DGN
>>    - 17 France Philippe Tristant EUMETNET/ESA/EUME
>>    - 18 France Halina Uryga Orange
>> Two persons are of interests: Mr Mohamed Benseddik
>> <> and Mr Ivan
>> Martin <> both
>> gentlemen are in charge of regulatory topics at Thales.
>> Googling for the name Ivan Martin brings up an old document where,
>> somewhere around 2012, Thales was already crying for frequencies for their
>> drones, but there is no mention of amateur VHF band.
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