ARLA/CLUSTER: Primeiros exames para a classe C (1 kW) na China
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 21 de Junho de 2019 - 18:30:52 WEST
First ham radio Class C exam of 2019
CRAC reports that the first amateur radio Class C exam of the year was held
on June 15 in Changchun City. Class C is the highest class permitting 1 kW
The exam was conducted by the China Radio Association Amateur Radio Branch
and the Jilin Radio Association in Changchun City, Jilin.
There were 46 candidates some traveling great distances to sit the exam.
One came all the way from Yunnan which borders Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam
over 3,000 km away.
The candidates came from: Beijing (11), Liaoning (9), Jilin (6), Hebei (4),
Shandong (4), Shanghai (2), Tianjin (2), Yunnan (1), Heilongjiang (2),
Jiangsu (1) and Inner Mongolia (1).
Read the CRAC report at
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