ARLA/CLUSTER: CEPT CPG Project Team D reúnem-se na Suiça
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quarta-Feira, 3 de Julho de 2019 - 13:45:05 WEST
CEPT CPG Project Team D meets in Switzerland
IARU was represented at the meeting of CEPT Conference Preparation
Group (CPG) Project Team D (PTD) held June 25-27 in Yverdon-les-Bains,
This was the last of the CEPT project team meetings preparing European
Common Proposals (ECP) for a number of agenda items of the ITU World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), which takes place during November
>From an amateur radio standpoint, WRC-19 agenda item 1.1, which
addresses the possibility of an allocation in Region 1 of the 50-54
MHz frequency band, was the key issue to be resolved.
PTD agreed the text of an ECP for WRC-19 which, if adopted at the WRC,
would see an entry in the international table of allocations for
Region 1 and would allocate the 50 – 52 MHz frequency band to the
amateur service on a secondary basis. In addition a footnote to the
international table was agreed which would permit individual CEPT
countries to introduce a national primary allocation in the 50.0 –
50.5 MHz sub-band.
The final meeting of CEPT's Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) will
take place in the week beginning 26 August and will finalise CEPT's
input to WRC-19. IARU will attend the CPG to represent the views of
the amateur service.
Fonte: IARU Region 1
Documents from the meeting can be downloaded from
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