ARLA/CLUSTER: Associação Belga de Difusores de Radio afirma falsamente que os radioamadores eram provavelmente os responsáveis pela transmissão de informações de trânsito fictícias para os ecrãs dos painéis dos veículos.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 19 de Agosto de 2019 - 10:56:55 WEST
VRT withdraws slur against radio amateurs
Belgium's Flemish broadcaster *VRT* falsely said radio amateurs were likely
responsible for the transmission of fictional traffic information to
vehicle dashboard screens
VRT Niews published the story on August 13, a Google translation of what
they said reads:
*"The burglars are most likely radio amateurs. These are people who have
equipment with which they can pick up on an FM frequency. You listen to
national channels via different masts that are scattered in Flanders. A
radio amateur can then actually connect to a local transmission tower, and
in that way forward the false traffic information. That can be seen on the
dashboard for a maximum of 15 minutes, until your car is no longer
connected to the transmission tower."*
This was false story was clearly damaging to the reputation of radio
amateurs and Belgium's national amateur radio society, the *UBA*, was quick
to respond, contacting VRT and issuing a press release. VRT have since
corrected their story.
It is not the first time that local traffic information has been disrupted
in Belgium. At the beginning of March, drivers between Brussels and Ghent
were also given false traffic information.
Read the UBA report on the matter in Google English at
Read the corrected VRT Niews story at
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