ARLA/CLUSTER: DXpedition em Rebote Lunar nos 6m desde a Ilha de
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 25 de Setembro de 2018 - 13:00:15 WEST
*A ilha Ducie* um atol desabitado que faz parte das Ilhas Pitcairn
<> desde 1902
O atol está localizado a 540 km (3365 milhas) ao leste de Pitcairn. Sua
área total, incluindo a lagoa, é de 3,9 km² (1,5 milhas quadradas). Ela
possui 2,4 km (1,5 milhas) de comprimento e 1,6 km (uma milha) de largura.
VP6D Ducie Island 6m EME DXpedition
Hello 6m DXers! As you have undoubtedly heard, *VP6D* is planning to be QRV
on 6m EME starting next month.
EME CNDX look relatively good everyday of their trip, and the days after
October 30 include the best days of the month (lowest Degradation) for EME
Operation is planned for 50.200, with VP6D transmitting during the first
period JT65A mode. If local QRM from the HF stations requires any change
from this frequency, it will be announced on the ON4KST EME CHAT page.
They will be using a 6M8GJ yagi and >1000w output. Since they will be using
their K3's on FT8 when on HF, they are currently expecting to be using
WSJT-X for their JT65A mode operation. For the convenience of those of us
still using WSJT10 for JT65A, they are planning to use an offset of 1270
Hz. This is their first time to use JT65A on EME, and the first time to use
it during a pileup situation, so please be patient with them!
Because of this, it is especially important to coordinate your calling
frequencies on the ON4KST EME CHAT page, so the callers will be spread out.
Ideally, please try to space yourselves out every 200 Hz to make it easier
for them to decode individual callers. They will be using the W7GJ EME
DXpedition procedure, so please familiarize yourself with that before
calling them!
They will be operating horizon-only, and will be primarily concentrating on
each moonrise, which will provide a clear shot directly out over the ocean
to their east. Look for them to be QRV starting then their moon is
-2 degrees elevation and possibly as high as 20 degrees. After their first
few days, we all will have a better idea exactly where they have the best
ground gain lobes. Because there are a number of days during low
Degradation when their moonset is to the northwest, there is a good
possibility that they also will be able to be QRV during certain moonsets
with the moon setting out over the ocean. Moonset operation will largely
depend on the final sitting of all the various operating stations and
Updates on their anticipated moonset operation, as well as confirmation of
their upcoming moonrise status and a list of stations worked will be
provided on a daily basis. They will not have real time internet access,
but this information will be relayed on the ON4KST EME CHAT page.
There will be a number of opportunities for horizon-only station in Region
1 to contact them on the Ducie moonrise, although stations in western EU
will need elevation to catch them during their moonrise. While most East
Coast NA stations in Region 2 will need elevation to contact them during
their moonrise, many horizon-only stations in Region 2 will be able to
contact them during their shared moonsets with Ducie. Region 3 stations
will need elevation to contact them during Ducie moonsets.
Many MANY thanks to the VP6D team for undertaking this limited 6m EME
operation ;-) With the excellent EME CNDX during their trip, and the
spectacular siting of their 6m yagi overlooking the ocean, it will be very
interesting to see how many small stations end up in their log!
GL to all and VY 73, Lance
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