ARLA/CLUSTER: Holanda faz uma revisão aos exames para as categorias de amador para ser vigente entre 5 a 10 anos

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 6 de Setembro de 2018 - 13:16:58 WEST

Netherlands: ham radio Novice class review

The Dutch national societies VERON and VRZA report the regulator,
Agentschap Telecom, has asked for a review of the amateur radio Novice

The regulator wants the Novice to be able to meet the needs of Dutch radio
amateurs for the next 5-10 years.

The Netherlands has two types of amateur radio exam:
• Novice (CEPT Novice) with a 75 minute, 40 question exam.
Each question has three possible answers (a-c), pass mark is 29
• Full Exam (CEPT HAREC) with a 105 minute, 60 question exam.
Each question has four possible answers (a-d). The pass mark is 35.
There is no need to take the Novice exam you can go straight to Full.

A Google translation of the statement published by VERON and VRZA says:

After repeated requests have been received by the Radiocommunications
Agency, the Radiocommunications Agency has asked the associations to
collaborate on a joint assignment to arrive at a widely supported N Review
package, which is solid enough for the next 5 - 10 years to meet the needs
of to meet the Dutch radio amateurs. To fundamentally review the N review,
a working group has been formed in which VRZA, VERON and the
Radiocommunications Agency participate jointly.

*N-recalibration status, what is there and what is coming*

The purpose of the N review is to answer 4 questions asked by Agentschap
• What is the N registration for?
• What knowledge and skills do you have when the N-certificate has been
• What use of frequencies belong?
• Which frequencies can be used for this, also with regard to other use on
these frequencies and interference potential

To get a picture of how members of the associations think about this, a
survey was held with 15 closed and 2 open questions. Although the working
group consists of VRZA, VERON and the Telecom Agency, the associations are
the leaders of the N-Review.

*Draft report delivered *

Both associations have been busy formulating a draft report. This draft
report has been delivered, but because it is a formal report, this must
still be examined linguistically. The next steps are that both boards of
VRZA and VERON have to agree with the content, after which it can be
presented on 25 October 2018 to the members of the Amateur Consultation.

*Harmonization CEPT Novice*

>From the survey held, the vast majority of VRZA and VERON members indicated
the harmonization at CEPT level as very important. During the IARU meeting
in Landshut, a proposal from the VERON was adopted in line with this in
order to achieve international harmonization for CEPT N. The first step in
the harmonization process was taken, but this is a lengthy process. In the
draft report N review, the next Harmonization of the N registration at CEPT
level will already be taken into account as far as possible.


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