ARLA/CLUSTER: Federacion Digital EA: O que a IARU R1 "esqueceu" de dizer.....

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Segunda-Feira, 22 de Outubro de 2018 - 11:14:00 WEST

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From: Federacion Digital EA <fediea>
Date: domingo, 21/10/2018 à(s) 04:01
Subject: What IARU "forgot" to tell...

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Noticias de radioafición...
What IARU "forgot" to tell...
<> [image:

[image: URE IARU] <> This summer,
the nice guys of *IARU Region 1* have issued an unusual propaganda
statement, translated into several languages, in which, in addition to
explaining the things they do and how cool they are, they point out that
they are the ONLY ones that attend to the meetings of the international
bodies where ham radio issues are discussed, in clear allusion to the
absence of *EURAO* in these forums so far this year.

How the story has changed: from being the only representatives, to being
the only attendees. Obviously they omit that *EURAO* still has no place in
*ITU*, in part thanks to its boycott.

But there are more things that they do not say and, for the sake of
information transparency, it is good to know them. So we're going to tell
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