ARLA/CLUSTER: 8000 escuteiros australianos preparam-se para o JOTA/JOTI 2018

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 15 de Outubro de 2018 - 10:41:12 WEST

Australian scouts prepare for JOTA/JOTI

Hello Everyone, my name is Brett Nicholas VK2BNN and I am the Scouts
Australia National Coordinator JOTA/JOTI.

A reminder that next weekend 20th & 21st is Jamboree On the Air.

It is anticipated there will be more than 8000 Scouts and Girl Guides
participating in Australia and more than 1 million world-wide.

Please check with the organisers of your station that you are registered on
the official world scout registration system at
<>You can register your
station under the sign up menu.
A list of registered stations is available on this website as well as a lot
of other information.

If you are looking for JOTA contacts there is a JOTA Cluster run by the
Radio Amateurs Zoetermeer. It can be accessed on

The opening address will be broadcast by the WIA at 1pm local time on
Saturday 20th October.

On behalf of the Scouts and Girl Guides of Australia I would like to thank
the amateur radio community for their support of this great event.

Have a great JOTA/JOTI

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