ARLA/CLUSTER: Novo software gratuito RD-R30 disponível para Android e iOS para controle remoto do receptor ICOM IC-R30

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 15 de Outubro de 2018 - 10:37:58 WEST

New FREE RS-R30 remote control software available for the IC-R30
Communications receiver

After recently being demonstrated at the Tokyo Hamfair, we are pleased to
announce that the new RS-R30I (for iOS)/RS-R30A (for Android) remote
control software for the *IC-R30* Communications Receiver is now available
to download for FREE from the App Store and Google Play.

The RS-R30I and the RS-R30A enable you to wirelessly connect to the IC-R30
and remotely control VFO operation, memory channels, a variety of scans and
the voice recording functions. Using the optional VS-3, Bluetooth headset,
the VS-3 and iOSâ„¢/Androidâ„¢ device can be wirelessly connected to the IC-R30
at the same time. You can control the IC-R30 from the connected device
while listening to the received audio on the VS-3 optional Bluetooth

To download either remote control software follow these links.

•  RS-R30I remote control software (for iOS)
•  RS-R30A remote control software (for Android devices)

For more details about the IC-R30 visit the dedicated  IC-R30 Wideband
Communications Receiver Product Page
<> .  More details
and further documentation about the RS-R30 can be found on the RS-30
Product Page <>.
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