ARLA/CLUSTER: ÃRRL promove teste simulado de emergência 2018 a 6 e 7 de Outubro

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 1 de Outubro de 2018 - 13:12:42 WEST

2018 Simulated Emergency Test

The 2018 ARRL *Simulated Emergency Test* (SET) is just ahead.
The primary ARRL-sponsored national emergency exercise is designed to
assess the skills and preparedness of Amateur Radio Emergency Service
volunteers as well as those affiliated with other organizations involved
with emergency and disaster response.

Although the main SET weekend this year is October 6 - 7, local and
Section-wide exercises may take place throughout THE USA during their fall.

Those who already take part in public service and emergency activities are
getting ready for the annual SET, a dress rehearsal, next month.
But, the 2018 ARRL SET is an open casting call for all radio amateurs
interested in expanding their emergency preparedness knowledge and skill.

The annual SET encourages maximum participation by all Amateur Radio
operators, partner organizations, and national, state, and local officials
who typically engage in emergency or disaster response in the US.

In addition to ARES volunteers, radio amateurs active in the National
Traffic System, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service SKYWARN, Community
Emergency Response Team, Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, and a
variety of other allied groups and public service-oriented radio amateurs
are needed to fulfil important roles in this nationwide exercise
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