ARLA/CLUSTER: Resposta da RSGB à Ofcom sobre os planos sobre os 5 GHz no Reino Unido

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 9 de Outubro de 2017 - 11:31:12 WEST

RSGB response to Ofcom on 5 GHz plans

The RSGB have responded to Ofcom's proposals to use permit the use of
Broadband Fixed Wireless Access across the key Amateur and Amateur
Satellite allocations at 5725-5850 MHz

The Society's response included input from the UK Microwave Group
(UKuG), AMSAT-UK and British Amateur Television Club (BATC).

The RSGB points out that amateur radio is a hobby that promotes
experimentation and innovation in radio techniques and propagation.
Despite some unjustified UK-specific amateur licensing restrictions,
the 5GHz amateur band is home to a significant and growing amount of
innovation which should be allowed to prosper and not suffer from
harmful interference.

The Society has also responded to the Ofcom Call for Input regarding
5G phone spectrum access. The overall frequency range under
consideration is 24.25 – 86 GHz and is associated with WRC-19 Agenda
Item 1.13. The latest detail gives the RSGB particular concerns
regarding the amateur primary allocations at 24 and 47 GHz.

Read both RSGB responses at

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