ARLA/CLUSTER: K2GSG — Estudantes de Nova Iorque providenciam link via radio com Porto Rico

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 4 de Outubro de 2017 - 12:52:01 WEST

School students provide ham radio link to Puerto Rico

*DNA Info* reports Garden School's Amateur Radio Club (in New York) are
offering a messaging lifeline to Puerto Rico

Inside the tiny amateur radio room inside the Garden School's second-floor
library, students fiddle with dials and listen for voices being transmitted
from around the world.

The school's radio club, which has grown to around 20 members since
launching last year, has competed in contests and learned all about
operating ham radios from inside the 78th Street school.

Now, the extracurricular activity has taken a more urgent mission for

The station — known by its call sign, K2GSG — is taking messages known as
"radiograms" to send down to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico, which has been
mostly without power since Hurricane Maria struck the island.

Garden School teacher *John Hale KD2LPM*, the club's faculty advisor, was
trained in emergency messaging this summer — and put it to use Thursday by
sending his first two messages to Puerto Rico.

"They're completely without power," he said. "This is the way we're getting
messages in."

Read the full story at

Garden School Amateur Radio Club
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