ARLA/CLUSTER: O dividendo da desfragmentação - Um uso mais eficiente em UHF comercial entre 470 a 960 MHz
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 24 de Novembro de 2017 - 14:29:52 WET
The defragmentation dividend - A more efficient use of UHF
Cambridge-based Aetha Consulting Ltd has released a white paper on
behalf of Digital UK discussing the possible future of the UHF
spectrum 470-960 MHz
This report contributes to an emerging and important debate. It’s a
debate which UK policy makers initiated earlier this year and arguably
is long overdue – not least as it could break the cycle of so-called
‘spectrum wars’ between our mobile and broadcasting sectors.
Tried and tested arguments are already being rehearsed ahead of World
Radiocommunications Conferences in 2019 and 2023. Once again,
sought-after UHF bands are a key battleground as two industries deploy
evidence and lobbyists to demonstrate that on the one side demand for
mobile data is surging; while on the other terrestrial television’s
role at the heart of our creative and cultural life is enduring. The
simple truth is, of course, that both viewpoints are valid.
Our question to the team at Aetha was a simple one: “Is there a better
way?” They have risen to the challenge and developed a response to
growing demand for mobile data that goes beyond simply ‘salami
slicing’ the spectrum used for terrestrial television. It’s worth
remembering that the latest example of this approach (the release of
the 700MHz band across Europe) is taking more than five years to
deliver at a cost of more than half a billion pounds in the UK alone.
The Aetha team has developed ideas which could provide the mobile
sector with significant gains from its existing spectrum while
minimising the cost and disruption to other licenced users.
Download the white paper The defragmentation dividend - A more
efficient use of the UHF band
Digital UK Reports
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