ARLA/CLUSTER: Islândia planeia acabar com a discriminação do "N - Novice" no indicativo de chamada dos radioamadores da categoria 2

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Novembro de 2017 - 18:10:23 WET

Iceland plans to end ham radio call sign discrimination

On November 9, 2017 Iceland's Ministry of Transport and Local Government
has published draft changes to the Radio Regulations for comment

The national society, *Icelandic Radio Amateurs* (IRA), had proposed ending
the practice of highlighting amateurs who had Novice call signs, an N was
added to their call sign. In addition the IRA proposed ending another
discriminatory practice where Icelandic call signs reflected the geographic
call area where a station is located.

The Post and Telecom Administration's new draft Radio Regulations
incorporate the IRA's requests and the frequency allocation table has been
updated to include the 630m and 60m bands.

Read the Icelandic Radio Amateur article in Google English at

Draft amendment with new frequency table

The old frequency table is at
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