ARLA/CLUSTER: Re: [CT-Com. & Tec.] O dínamo magnético solar está a enfraquecer

Carlos Mourato radiofarol
Quarta-Feira, 31 de Maio de 2017 - 19:02:09 WEST

Que chatice! Como é que eu vou fazer QSOs em HF daqui a 2 biliões de anos!!!

Cumprimentos:  Carlos Mourato
Sines - Portugal

Best regards from:  Carlos Mourato
Sines - Portugal


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2017-05-31 13:31 GMT+01:00 João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>:

> The sun's magnetic dynamo is weakening
> *Bruce Dorminey*, writing on Forbes, says that astronomers now confirm
> that the Sun’s magnetic dynamo is likely to eventually disappear causing
> our star to lose its 11 year magnetic cycle
> In fact, a billion years from now, they say, interplanetary spaceflight
> could become even more treacherous, since the Sun’s protective magnetic
> heliosphere would weaken or even disappear, leaving our solar system
> unshielded from incoming cosmic rays.
> In a paper submitted to the journal Solar Physics, co-author Travis
> Metcalfe confirms that the Sun, a yellow dwarf (G-spectral type) star is
> indeed making a long term transition in its magnetic activity cycle.
> Over the next one to two billion years, we have confirmed that the Sun’s
> magnetic cycle period will get longer before disappearing entirely.
> Read the full story at
> suns-magnetic-dynamo-is-weakening/
> --
> --
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