ARLA/CLUSTER: Jovem radioamador americano de 14 anos aproveita a Licença CEPT Novice para operar desde a Islandia

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Março de 2017 - 13:31:46 WET

Teen radio ham to activate Iceland on inaugural dxpedition

14-year-old Mason Matrazzo KM4SII is taking advantage of the CEPT
Novice amateur radio reciprocal licensing agreement to operate from

The ARRL reports he will be active as TF/KM4SII, March 13-19 on 40,
20, and 17 meters, SSB only. Mason, who will be operating with a
portable setup, is calling it his “Buddistick™ DXpedition to Iceland.”

Mason holds the US General licence which is equivalent to the CEPT
Novice and UK Intermediate.

Over the past 12 years countries across Europe as well as the United
States have signed up to the CEPT Novice agreement.

In Iceland Novice amateur radio license holders are permitted to run
100 watts in all HF bands. A 2008 summary of Novice licence
regulations in CEPT countries can be found at

Read the ARRL story at


CEPT Novice Radio Amateur Licence

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