ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulador sueco rejeita categoricamente proposta para a "Entry-Level amateur radio license" (equivalente à categoria 3 em Portugal)

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Março de 2017 - 13:23:58 WET

Swedish PTS rejects Entry Level ham radio license

In February the Sweden's communications regulator, PTS, rejected the
idea of an Entry-Level amateur radio license

Sweden's national amateur radio society SSA say the proposal was
"categorically rejected".

The SSA says it must now find new ways to motivate our young people,
and even older, to participate in our hobby. Amateur radio's future in
Sweden is an urgent issue that will be discussed during the upcoming
annual meeting on Faro.

Read the full post at

In 2004 the PTS exempted amateur radio transmitters in Sweden from
individual licensing. Since then the SSA has issued Amateur Radio
Certificates which include the callsign.

In 2016 there were 13,000 Amateur Radio Certificates in Sweden but
this figure would appear to include all certificates issued since
2004, a large number of which might be people who have left the hobby
or died in that time. It is thought only around 70 people are taking
up the hobby in Sweden each year.

PTS 2004 licence exemption statement

SSA in Google English

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