ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL propõe eventual Plano de Banda para os 630m (472 a 479 kHz)
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 6 de Julho de 2017 - 13:44:19 WEST
Band plan proposed for eventual 472-479 kHz use
ARRL 630-Meter Experiment Coordinator Fritz Raab, W1FR, has proposed
an informal band plan for the pending 472-279 kHz band. Raab said that
once US radio amateurs are granted access to 630 meters, he would move
stations operating under the blanket WD2XSH FCC Experimental (Part 5)
license to 461-472 kHz.
“This will clear the amateur frequencies, while allowing the
experimenters to run unattended propagation beacons without using the
limited bandwidth that will be available to amateurs,” Raab explained
in his spring 630-Meter Experiment Project Status quarterly report.
“The new 630-meter band will have a very limited amount of spectrum (7
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