ARLA/CLUSTER: Episódio 14 do TX Factor - Como o clima espacial influencia as comunicações em HF.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2017 - 13:28:32 WET

Space Weather on TX Factor Show

Episode 14 of the amateur radio show TX Factor features Cathy Clark
G1GQJ, Phil Willis M0PHI and Steve Nichols G0KYA

Enjoy part two of our informative series on HF and VHF propagation.
Steve Nichols G0KYA concludes with his explanation on how space
weather affects our ability to communicate on the HF bands.

Bob parts with some cash at Hamfest and Mike chats to Phil Willis
M0PHI and Cathy Clark G1GQJ, two movers and shakers in the world of
amateur radio.

Watch TX Factor - Episode 14 (TXF014)

Space Weather on TX Factor Show

Episode 14 of the amateur radio show TX Factor features Cathy Clark
G1GQJ, Phil Willis M0PHI and Steve Nichols G0KYA

Enjoy part two of our informative series on HF and VHF propagation.
Steve Nichols G0KYA concludes with his explanation on how space
weather affects our ability to communicate on the HF bands.

Bob parts with some cash at Hamfest and Mike chats to Phil Willis
M0PHI and Cathy Clark G1GQJ, two movers and shakers in the world of
amateur radio.

Watch TX Factor - Episode 14 (TXF014)

Previous editions

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