ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamador reconhecido por ser pioneiro no trabalho
com SDR
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 19 de Janeiro de 2017 - 15:16:32 WET
Radio ham recognized for pioneering SDR work
Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, of Synergy Microwave Corp was invited to
deliver the sixth Sir J.C. Bose Memorial Lecture at the IEEE Hyderabad
Section on December 2
The ARRL report:
Rohde’s talk during a joint session of the IEEE MTT, AP, and EMC
Societies in Hyderabad, India was “Next Generation Networks: Software
Defined Radio — Emerging Trends.”
While working under a US Department of Defense contract at RCA in
1982, Rohde’s department developed the first SDR, which used the
COSMAC (Complementary Symmetry Monolithic Array Computer) chip.
Introduced by RCA in early 1976, the RCA CDP1802 eight-bit CMOS
microprocessor — a 40-pin LSI integrated circuit chip — was the
company’s first single-chip microprocessor. Rohde was among the first
to present publicly on this topic with his February 1984 talk,
“Digital HF Radio: A Sampling of Techniques” at the Third
International Conference on HF Communication Systems and Techniques in
The Hyderabad lecture’s namesake, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, was a
Bengali scientist who lived in British India in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries and was an expert in math, physics, biology, and
archaeology. Bose pioneered the investigation of radio and microwave
optics, contributed significantly to plant science, and laid the
foundations of experimental science.
Much of Bose’s original scientific work was in the area of microwaves.
He produced extremely short radio waves and was the first to use a
semiconductor junction to detect radio waves. Bose’s research on the
response of tissues to microwaves and other stimuli led to many
significant findings in that field, and the IEEE named him one of the
fathers of radio science.
Source ARRL
Microwave Journal report
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