ARLA/CLUSTER: IHSG cria plataforma de importação para colocar na Europa equipamentos de amador a preços competivos

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 19 de Janeiro de 2017 - 14:46:55 WET

International Ham Stores Group gears up European hub

IHSG (International Ham Stores Group) one of Europe’s largest
importers, distributors and retailers of ham and hobby radio products,
announces the imminent completion of its main European hub which will
bring dozens of global Ham Radio brands to all Ham Radio shops and
stores through Europe at competitive prices.

‘Our goal is to give every ham radio dealer across Europe the ability
to supply all major brands within their given market sector without
the associated high import and re-delivery costs’ says Justin Johnson
G0KSC, Global Operations Director at IHSG.

‘Often it is very difficult for a small dealer in a country with a
limited ham user base to stock everything their customers could ever
wish to buy. IHSG’s aim is to remove this problem by providing
drop-shipping on behalf with the provision for, and inclusion of the
sellers own invoices with any orders.’ he went on to say.

The Warehouse facilities in Portsmouth, are larger than any other ham
radio facility in the UK and will enable plenty of storage of both
legacy and new brands being imported, resold and distributed by IHSG.

Justin Jonson G0KSC, Group Operations Director for the "International
Ham Stores Group" (L) and Phil Jeffery, Nevada commercial manager (R)
start the task of preparing space for the huge radio stocks the group
has to move in to the new Portsmouth location by the end of April

Justin continued ‘Often Hams in countries which have a small ham
operator footprint will have to buy one item from one location and
another elsewhere. IHSG consolidate and import a wide variety of
brands from locations such as North America and Japan giving small
retailers the ability to have all their customers’ requirements
supplied from one location. Added to the exceptional shipping rates we
have, a very cost effective solution for every ham operators needs are

IHSG continue to supply all hams anywhere directly in addition to
providing their dealer network with over 10,000 products they no
longer need to stock.

The new facility will be stocked and ready to provide all brands new
and old by the end of April 2017 and therefore, any European dealers
not yet signed up as a part of IHSG are urged to do so soon.

For more information or to become an IHAG reseller, sales

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