ARLA/CLUSTER: Espanha criou o Brandmeister EA 'Happy New Year' Event
a 31 de Dezembro de 2016.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Janeiro de 2017 - 13:45:29 WET
Happy new Year DMR Brandmeister Spain
At Brandmeister EA have created 'Happy New Year' Event for 31st
December 2016 Call on TG214 and say your greetings message and where
are you calling from. We will give you a number to participate on the
raffle of a wonderful DMR talky. One participation per callsign. The
winner number will be obtained from ONCE Spanish raffle of 1st January
Call TG214 and participate!
Today saturday, in BM Spain we want to welcome 2017 in the best way.
So, we've organized, "Happy New Year 2017" activity. From 14 to 18 UTC
call in TG214 (Spain) and say "Happy New Year" to the world in your
language. You can win a TYT MD-380
Brandmeister EA
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