ARLA/CLUSTER: SOTABEAMS muda de instalações em resultado da sua expansão

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 4 de Dezembro de 2017 - 13:35:09 WET

SOTABEAMS have moved!

As a result of expansion, UK amateur radio manufacturer *SOTABEAMS *has

CEO Richard G3CWI explains "for the last few years we have operated out of
a historic 19th century silk mill in the centre of Macclesfield. However
the growing needs of our business has required new premises.

Our new unit is a modern two-storey office block which gives us a much
improved lab area for product development and more space.
Most importantly for our five staff, it's actually warm in the winter too!"

SOTABEAMS manufactures and markets a wide range of unique ham radio
products via their online site
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