ARLA/CLUSTER: Será que consegue escutar o nano-satélite russo SamSat-218D .? CW em 145,870 MHz c/ o ID "SamSat-218D" cada 150 ou 30 segundos.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 6 de Maio de 2016 - 14:36:20 WEST

Can you hear SamSat-218D ?

A Hackaday post asks radio amateurs to listen out for the *SamSat-218D*
CubeSat launched on April 28

SamSat-218D was built by students at the Samara State Aerospace University
and has a Morse (CW) beacon on 145.870 MHz which transmits the ID
"SamSat-218D" every 150 or 30 seconds.

The email address where recordings of the beacon should be sent is given in
the Hackaday story at

SamSat-218D was launched with AIST-2D
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