ARLA/CLUSTER: Reino Unido promove o exercício "Blue Ham" em 5 MHz nos dias 18 e 19 de Junho

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 4 de Maio de 2016 - 12:52:37 WEST

UK Air Cadets 5MHz Radio Exercise

*Air Cadets on the Air - Exercise Blue Ham 2016*

On 18 and 19 June 2016, the *ACO* (Air Cadet Organisation) will be
organising and running a military style national radio exercise named
Blue Ham*’, this will be one of the many events the organisation is holding
to mark its 75th Anniversary of Formation during 2016-17.

To make this successful we would like to invite Amateur Radio Operators to
take part with us and make this the biggest radio exercise that the
organisation has been involved in.

The exercise will take place on the MOD 5MHz (60 Meters) Band and a
significant part of the exercise will be on the section of the band that
amateurs are authorised to use.

The Cadet stations will operate from noon 17 June until noon 18 June on
specific frequencies within the band. These frequencies will be published
live on the internet as the exercise is in progress and amateurs are
welcome to check the exercise web site and call in on the advertised
frequencies (

The web site will be going live at the start of the exercise and before
that time it may be running test software where all data will be simulated.
Each Cadet station will have its own allocated frequency to use, they will
call ‘*Alpha Charlie*’ which is the equivalent of CQ, and amateur stations
are welcome to reply.

The information exchange to score the contact will be your Callsign, signal
report, your Location, Transmitter Power, Antenna type and Direction. The
location should be either OS Grid Reference or the Maidenhead Square and
can be a location near you if you prefer to not give a precise one over the
air. As Cadet stations change frequency in the latter part of the exercise
contacting them again on a different frequency will score as an additional
contact, these frequency changes will be reported on the exercise web site
as they happen.

The contacts will get plotted live on the exercise web server, so please
let the operator know if you prefer your location to not be shown.

We will issue Anniversary Certificates for amateur stations that contact 50
or 75 Cadet stations during our period of operation using your callsign
contact details on we will also issue to Squadrons and Wings a
'Certificate of Operation'.

This exercise does not give amateur stations permission to operate outside
of their normal licensing conditions.

The ACO looks forward to operating as many of you that we can during the
period of the Exercise and it will give our young operators an ideal
opportunity for them to utilise their radio operating training on HF
equipment to a different audience.

*Flt Lt D J Webb RAFVR(T)*

Radio Communication Officer Central & East Region.
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