ARLA/CLUSTER: Par de dois "jovens" radioamadores britanicos,
com 100 anos de idade, juntam-se a uma Net em 40m
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 28 de Março de 2016 - 14:46:57 WEST
A UK first?
On Thursday 24th March, Laurie G2BUP and Fred G6YUY joined the RAOTA
40m net. They were both 100yrs old recently.
Can anyone lay earlier claim to a net having two Centenarians present?
Could it even be a world first?
Although there is no direct evidence of causality, perhaps being part
of RAOTA increases your life expectancy.
Why risk it...join now.
Full details at
David G3ZPF
Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association
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