ARLA/CLUSTER: Frank, FØDUW - De Radio-escuta em 1980 a Radioamador virtual em 2016.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 17 de Março de 2016 - 13:45:30 WET

>From SWL to virtual ham radio

Hello my name is Frank, FØDUW and my QTH is Paris.
In 1980 I buy my first CB radio, after I was interested by SW
listening and ham radio. Unfortunatly strong QRM make impossible for
me to continue to listen to amateur radio on SW.

I have the right to use VHF but not really interested by this band.
Also in big city like Paris it is very dificult to have a good antenna
for DX.

I have find a program of virtual amateur radio. In 2012 I start QSO on
Hamsphere 3. It was like I am back in 1980 when I buy my 40 channels
citizen band radio. Lot of contacts and QSL. HS3 is not very realistic
because no propagation is need to make a contact but it was a great
experience for me to discover this program.

In 2014 HamSphere 4.0 was launched and the virtual propagation made me
feel I use a real transceiver on HF, I buy few yagi and a antenna
rotator and its really realistic. A lot of hams and no amateur radio
use this great program but few prefer the good old HS3.

I have a blog with my QSL cards receives for QSO via hamsphere

I don't show all my 10,000 qsl cards from 170 counties but I try to
put a qsl for each countries.

I like to have a real amateur radio and good antennas but i think this
dream will never be realised. So for me the virtual amateur radio is a
good solution to continue to have contacts all over the world with
radio lovers.

73 from Frank FØDUW

You can have a free trial for 30 days on HS4

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